
Radial Engineering BACKTRACK Stereo Backing Track Switcher

Original price was: $412.00.Current price is: $98.00.

(In Stock)

SKU: DSFH325473496 Category:

The Backtrack is a compact stereo audio switcher, perfect for bands running redundant backing tracks on stage or for switching between any stereo audio sources.

Connecting your playback devices to the Backtrack is easy, with 1/4″ TRS connections provided for the outputs of a recording interface and 3.5mm stereo inputs for integration with a smartphone, tablet or laptop. 1/4″ TRS outputs can feed powered speakers for monitoring on stage and balanced XLR outputs will drive signals up to 100m (300ft) to connect to the PA system. The XLR outputs are transformer isolated to eliminate buzz and hum from ground loops and feature a ground lift switch to further reduce noise.

Once connected, an A/B switch determines which stereo input to use, so the backup source can be quickly activated should the primary playback system fail. A JR-2 remote can also be connected to the Backtrack to change the inputs remotely. When cueing up tracks for playback, a mute switch cuts the feed to the main and monitor outputs, allowing tracks to be silently monitored using a dedicated headphone output. This output features its own level control and input selector switch, so even during a live performance, both sources can be checked without disturbing the outputs on stage.

The Backtrack is an ideal switching system for redundant playback devices where reliability and portability is crucial.


  • Convertisseur stro Dante-to-analogique haute rsolution
  • Le convertisseur N / A intgr prend en charge des rsolutions allant jusqu’ 24 bits / 96 kHz
  • Connexion partir d’un rseau Dante via la prise Ethernet
  • Sorties XLR analogiques symtriques
  • Le contrle de niveau rglable permet la connexion des sorties analogiques aux pramplis micro ou aux entres de ligne
  • La sortie casque stro 3,5 mm permet de tester et de surveiller facilement les signaux
  • Botier robuste en acier de calibre 14


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